Gordon Parks, petite histoire de la ségrégation

29 août 2014   •  
Écrit par Fisheye Magazine
Gordon Parks, petite histoire de la ségrégation

Le High Museum of Art d’Atlanta expose cet automne des photos inédites de l’artiste et réalisateur afro-américain Gordon Parks.


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Ondria Tanner and Her Grandmother Window-Shopping, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Ondria Tanner and Her Grandmother Window-Shopping, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


“Segregation Story” présente 40 clichés couleur pour la plupart jamais vu, issus d’un article du magazine Life qui documentait la vie d’une famille noire dans l’Alabama ségrégationniste de 1956.


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thornton, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thornton, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


C’est l’une des premières série documentaire et sociale que Gordon Parks a réalisé en couleur. Premier photographe afro du Life, il a publié certains des photo-reportages les plus iconiques liés au thème de la justice sociale au 20ème siècle.


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Airline Terminal, Atlanta, Georgia, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Airline Terminal, Atlanta, Georgia, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


Le High Museum of Art fera pour l’occasion l’acquisition de 12 photos de Parks qui viendront enrichir son fonds photographique sur les Droits Civiques.


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Untitled, Shady Grove, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Untitled, Shady Grove, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Store Front, Mobile Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Store Front, Mobile Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Untitled, Shady Grove, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Untitled, Shady Grove, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Department Store, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Department Store, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Willie Causey, Jr., with Gun During Violence in Alabama, Shady Grove, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Willie Causey, Jr., with Gun During Violence in Alabama, Shady Grove, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


 Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Outside Looking In, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Outside Looking In, Mobile, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Untitled, Shady Grove, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
Gordon Parks (American, 1912–2006), Untitled, Shady Grove, Alabama, 1956, courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.


“Gordon Parks : Segregation Story”

De Novembre 2014 à Juin 2015

High Museum of Art Atlanta

1280 Peachtree street, N.E. Atlanta, Géorgie 30309

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